Interesting facts about canola:
- Canola is a relatively new crop in the US, roughly 1 million acres of it are planted annually
- Each canola seed is approximately 40-46% oil, the rest, canola meal, is an excellent source of protein for livestock feed.
- Canola oil is low in saturated fat, high in unsaturated fat, low in cholesterol, and an excellent source of vitamin E.
- Canola oil is one of the healthiest cooking oils, containing linoleic acid ( LA-Omega 6) and alpha-linoleic acid (ALA- omega 3).
- Only flax has more omega-3.
- Canola oil can be good for lowering cholesterol, blood pressure, and inflammation, as stated by the FDA.
There are numerous varieties of canola available.
For best results let us help you pick the best variety to fit your farm and conditions.